Thursday, December 2, 2010

19th to 28th October, 2010

Beyond the Perth Hills in the wheatbelt, lies a little town called Brookton, where Wayne's dad and Keris live on a 100 acre property. We were spoilt there by the sounds of nothing other than the bleating of sheep and the songs of the native birds ringing through the breeze.

The kids had a daily ritual of an afternoon tractor ride with Grandad when the days work was done. They had the opportunity to see the running of a sheep farm and sheep shearing in process. They sat in a hay baler while it was baling the hay. They all loved the farm and were glad when school was over for the day so they could go and explore.

Wayne helped his Dad finish off his new abode and we had our most unique camp site yet - the camper trailer set up in the shed!

Laying the last of the flooring.

Manda's parents come to visit.

The farm at sunset!

Haybaling at night - the kids are all inside!

The shearing shed. The boys had Love Song Dedications on in the background - funny!

Leaving Shark Bay to Perth
4th and 5th October, 2010

We left Shark Bay sad to leave this sensational part of Oz, but excited to see family in the next couple of days.

We stopped in at Shell Beach, where the shore isn't covered in sand, but tiny cockle shells. The kids had a ball making shell angels and having shell throwing fights - hiliarious!

We headed onwards to Geraldton, the leaning, windblown trees a sign of how windy it is here.

An overnight stop at Oakabella, down from Lancelin to Cervantes to the incredible Pinnacles. Small and large towers of limestone pushing their way out of the golden sands, forming a perfect place to play hide and seek. The pillars were all shapes and sizes and we had fun looking for images and pictures in them.

Nearly at Perth !!

At The Pinnacles, near Cervantes.

The Leaning Trees near Geraldton

Friends at Shell Beach

Funny shell angels at Shell Beach

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